Ok ok, there's no fire (knock on wood). But there IS a lot of construction coming leaving us with a great new look at the store on it's way. Starting February 1 the shop goes under the knife to make the retail and training side into ONE store instead of two!
This is where the sale comes in: there will be dust. Lot's of dust. So we were at the shop today thinking about how we didn't want to have to cover everything and/or find a clean hiding spot for it.
What to do?
That's where you come in. On January 28th and 29th everything in the store will be 35% off. That's right, 2010 and 2011 bikes, clothing, accessories, helmets, you name it!
All you have to do is print out the secret image we just posted here on the blog....see the newest post!
Help us out here. We don't want to hike 50 bikes down to our basement. We'd much rather send this stuff home with you for safe keeping/wearing/riding!
Awesome! Got any 60cm carbon bikes?