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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sock Guy custom Iron Cycles socks!

These make for an ultimate stocking stuffer.  Cheap, classy, and custom, what cyclist wouldn't be down with that!?

Better yet, the socks are comfortable, meaning there's no need to limit them only to cycling.  We routinely sport them when jeans and sneakers, they do a great job of keeping your feet happy all year!

And now a quick review from Justin, one of our resident fancy lads on Team Iron Cycles:

Being a classy man about town, I enjoy looking like I can flatten Mt. Vesuvius with a stroke of my pedal.  While the power isn't quite there, I'd like to think that looking resplendent in my white "Iron Cycles" socks is enough to look the part. They are tall enough to provide the awkward tan line that is a badge of honor for cyclists and their comfort is unparalleled.   I can use them during a road ride that takes up most of the day or during a round on the cross bike.  Did the socks get dirty?  You bet, but unlike the Mona Lisa, the socks are still looking great after many uses.  If you want to look classy out there, I would definitely suggest the Iron Cycles socks. 

That right there folks, is a gleaming review.  Grab a pair before the holidays and surprise someone with some comfort.

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