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Monday, July 16, 2012

In Stock: K-Edge Garmin Mount

After months of waiting, they are finally here!  The Bar Fly has some real competition in the K-Edge mount, though the Bar Fly has it's own set of features.  But this isn't about the Bar Fly, this is about the K-Edge Garmin mount.

First, this thing is beautifully made, just like every other K-Edge item.  Wonderful machining, perfect anodization, beautiful laser etching.  Each of these finishing touches can be found on every K-Edge item, and luckily for $50 this mount doesn't disappoint.

Much like other K-Edge products, the Garmin mount comes with all required hardware and fits perfectly.  One thing I've noticed so far with the K-Edge over the Bar Fly is that the Bar Fly can rotate (only by hand when you want it to, not on it's own...ever) when torqued where the K-Edge with two bolts isn't going anywhere without being loosened.

The K-Edge mount matches nicely with my Paul front brake hanger, and would match a Thomson stem perfectly.  Unfortunately this bike is currently using a Zipp stem.  They still match well, but man the Thomson would work well together.

Your Garmin sits lower with the K-Edge than with the Bar Fly, which could be good or bad, it's pretty personal.  I do feel more comfortable with the Garmin mounted on the K-Edge if I were to crash, it's hidden between the hoods if the bike finds it's way upside down.

The K-Edge mount is extremely secure, the positive engagement is welcome when dealing with such an expensive computer.

Beautifully machined computer mount, adjustable mounting positions, perfect anodization, laser etching, it's hard to beat this piece of kit.  Then again, a $50 computer mount should be pretty darn nice, don't you think?

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